Caring for Providers to Improve Patient Experience (CPIPE) Trial
This project tests the effectiveness of the CPIPE intervention, an innovative theory and evidence-based intervention that addresses key drivers of poor person-centered maternity care.
This project tests the effectiveness of the CPIPE intervention, an innovative theory and evidence-based intervention that addresses key drivers of poor person-centered maternity care.
A project to develop an evidence-based investment case for national scale-up of small and sick newborn care inclusive of early kangaroo mother care in Uganda.
A clinical effectiveness and acceptability trial of two models of an insertable vaginal cup to manage fistula urinary incontinence.
A randomized trial comparing the effectiveness, safety, costs and cost-effectiveness of kangaroo mother care before stabilization versus standard care amongst neonates weighing less than 2000g in Uganda.
HEARD addresses “know-do” gaps, or delays, in the discovery of effective interventions and their wide-scale application. HEARD emphasizes local ownership and partnerships in order to scale up equitable and sustainable efforts.