Child Observational Development (ChiDO) Study
Improving early identification of children at risk for neurodevelopmental impairment or disability in Zimbabwe.
Improving early identification of children at risk for neurodevelopmental impairment or disability in Zimbabwe.
A project to develop an evidence-based investment case for national scale-up of small and sick newborn care inclusive of early kangaroo mother care in Uganda.
This project evaluates the impact of EMBRACE, an innovative perinatal care program for Black families uniquely designed to address racial inequities in perinatal outcomes.
To examine the feasibility and acceptability of engaging mentor mothers in rapid viral load result delivery and counseling for pregnant and postpartum women with HIV.
Implementation research to evaluate the introduction of 600 point of care ultrasound devices for obstetric imaging by primarily midwives across eight counties in Kenya
To characterize the multidimensional nature of mobility among pregnant and postpartum women with HIV in western Kenya and to understand associations with viral suppression.
Exploring maternal and neonatal biomarkers of neurodevelopmental risk.
A project to develop a mobile information and social support group for postpartum women in rural Punjab, India.
A randomized trial comparing the effectiveness, safety, costs and cost-effectiveness of kangaroo mother care before stabilization versus standard care amongst neonates weighing less than 2000g in Uganda.
PTBi East Africa developed an intrapartum and immediate postnatal care package designed to improve the uptake of evidence-based practices known to save newborn lives.
PTBi East Africa tested whether a facility-based antenatal and postnatal group care model impacted gestational age at birth.
To review, rethink, and revise the global EmONC framework and set of indicators for EmONC policy-making, monitoring, and strengthening.
The aim of this project is to test the combined effect of a household level group intervention for newly married women, their husbands, and mothers-in-law combined with multiple micronutrient supplements on micronutrient and anemia status in Nepal (R01).
Updates the existing network of care framework and identifies candidates’ tools and measures for relational coordination.
To understand the impact of social networks on early ANC initiation in Uganda.
The goal of this study is the measure and understand the impact of temporary childbirth migration on birth and maternal health outcomes across 3 sites in India.
The Tiny Hats for Tiny Babies campaign was launched to build awareness of the epidemic of preterm birth.
UZ-UCSF CTU is a research program that supports NIH HIV/AIDS research, collaborating with four NIH/NIAID-funded networks, focusing on the treatment, management and prevention of HIV/AIDS and co-morbidities throughout the life cycle.