Lynda Stranix-Chibanda
Lynda Stranix-Chibanda is a Lecturer in the Child and Adolescent Health Unit at the University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Research Scientific Director at the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Trials Research Centre, and Co-Principal Investigator of the UZ-UCSF Clinical Trials Unit in Harare, Zimbabwe. She is a pediatrician with 25 years’ experience directing multi-phase HIV treatment and prevention clinical trials, particularly among perinatal and adolescent populations. She is currently a global Protocol Co-Chair of three multi-site pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) trials: (1) IMPAACT 2009, a phase IIb trial to characterize pharmacokinetics, safety and adherence to oral PrEP in pregnant and lactating adolescent girls and young women; (2) HPTN 083/084-01, the long-acting Cabotegravir injectable PrEP trial in adolescents in the US and sub-Saharan Africa; and (3) O-PrEP, a randomized trial to establish the pharmacokinetics of increased doses of oral PrEP in young pregnant women.
She is member of several NIH/NIAID, Division of AIDS Research Network Scientific Committees, including the HPTN Adolescent Prevention Working Group and HVTN Pediatric HIV Vaccine Steering Committee. She is also a member of the WHO HIV, Hepatitis, and STIs in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Therapeutics Working Group, as well as the IMPAACT/WHO Postnatal Prophylaxis Study Task Team.