Nadia Diamond Smith

Nadia Diamond Smith

Formal Title
Assistant Professor
Primary Affiliation
University of California San Francisco

Nadia Diamond-Smith is an Assistant Professor in the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department and Institute for Global Health Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco. Her expertise is in maternal and child health in the developing world, with a focus on gender inequality/women's empowerment, family planning and abortion and nutrition in the preconception and pregnancy period. She is a public health demographer, and did her dissertation research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on trends and causes of son preference and uneven child sex ratios in India. Much of her research is in South Asia, although she also works in Africa, elsewhere in Asia, and some in the US and Latin America. She uses mixed method approaches to research, intervention development, and evaluation. 

She is conducting research on understanding and developing interventions to improve women's empowerment, food insecurity, and maternal and child health in newly married households in Nepal. She also works on the SPARQ project, which aims to improve person centered care for delivery, family planning and abortion in India and Kenya. She works on a number of other projects including the evaluation of mhealth interventions for maternal and child health in India, and the global Turnaway study in Nepal. She teaches courses in Demography and Research Ethics and Practices at UCSF.