Adaptation and pilot testing of a couples-based intervention to prevent perinatal depression in rural India
Couples-based intervention for perinatal depression
Couples-based intervention for perinatal depression
This project seeks to adapt the person-centered prenatal care scale to make it relevant to LMICs and to conduct the first validation study in Ghana.
This project tests the effectiveness of the CPIPE intervention, an innovative theory and evidence-based intervention that addresses key drivers of poor person-centered maternity care.
This project seeks to develop a person-centered postnatal care (PCPNC) scale to complete the full suite of scales for measuring person-centered care across the lifespan.
A clinical effectiveness and acceptability trial of two models of an insertable vaginal cup to manage fistula urinary incontinence.
This project evaluates the impact of EMBRACE, an innovative perinatal care program for Black families uniquely designed to address racial inequities in perinatal outcomes.
To examine the feasibility and acceptability of engaging mentor mothers in rapid viral load result delivery and counseling for pregnant and postpartum women with HIV.
Implementation research to evaluate the introduction of 600 point of care ultrasound devices for obstetric imaging by primarily midwives across eight counties in Kenya
Global PARITY is an international point prevalence study designed to measure the prevalence of pediatric acute critical illness in resource-constrained settings.
Establishing global norms for child development using a new tool developed by the World Health Organization.
A mixed-methods longitudinal cohort study to understand incidence and risk factors for adverse post-genital fistula repair outcomes.
This project evaluates the feasibility, sustainability and preliminary impact of the Pop-Up Village model of family and perinatal care delivery, a one-stop-shop for cross-sector services.
The aim of this project is to test the combined effect of a household level group intervention for newly married women, their husbands, and mothers-in-law combined with multiple micronutrient supplements on micronutrient and anemia status in Nepal (R01).
This project evaluates the feasibility, sustainability, and preliminary impact of the San Francisco Pregnancy Family Village model of family and perinatal care delivery, a one-stop-shop for cross-sector services.
The goal of this study is the measure and understand the impact of temporary childbirth migration on birth and maternal health outcomes across 3 sites in India.
The aim of this project is to test the impact of a reproductive health and empowerment intervention for young newly married women in Rajasthan India on their ability to avoid unintended pregnancy.
The objective of this project is to examine the drivers of poor person-centered-maternity-care in Ghana